Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi. My name is Alexandrialeigh.

And I'm a spelling addict.

Today, I read this.

Apparently there are other people out there who, like me, do not patronize businesses that have misspelled words in their names. I also can't order something if it's been misspelled on a restaurant's menu.

I don't really care to have my finicky spelling habits analyzed by a shrink, but I will say that I'm not surprised that kids can't spell or write in proper English these days. How are they supposed to know that cool isn't spelled with a k and a w when they see it spelled that way in print? How would you know that the words crispy and creme (or cream for that matter) aren't spelled Krispy Kreme?

(Doesn't this make me sound old? I am slowly becoming my grandmother.)

But honestly, I just can't understand why someone wouldn't want to have things spelled correctly, and with their apostrophes in the appropriate places. I just can't.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From an unidentified website

As one grammar patroller put it:
"ACK! Those wayward apostrophes make me want to stab myself with hot forks of displeasure!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

papa grill, meet grammar 101

an email from an intrepid grammar friend regarding a local (and not particularly delicious) pita joint:

i won't go there any more not only because of their lack of deliciousness, but also their lack of smarts. or is it smart's?

Scrabble, you disappoint!

The much-loved game of readers, writers, and bookophiles, has a grammatical error in their instructions! Do they not proofread? I'm pretty sure that they have outsourced the production of their games to China, maybe they do the same for instruction-writing?
In related news, I heard that Scrabulous is back on Facebook. After settling a lawsuit with Scrabble makers Hasbro, Scrabulous is now "Lexulous." Read more here: